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Terukir Di Bintang ღ
sedih :)
Khamis, 23 Februari 2012 | written by , Nur Aniss | 0♬ Budakk Comeel ♪

Jika sedih, maka menangis lahh. 
Tidak ada apa yang memalukan. Menangisi jangan meratapi. 
Tetapi, ingatlah kasih Allah dalam titis-titis air mata yang dialirkan. 
Kerana kasih Allahlah kita punya air mata. 
Bayangkan jika kita sedih, tapi Allah tak kurniakan kita air mata, pasti seksa hati menahan sedih dalam diri .

♥ Menangis lahh :)

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Short Biodata

Hello peeps , I’m nur Anis .
You can call me Aniss or you can call me Babyy even though that's not my real name. Hahahaa .
Love to laugh, childish, hyper, sporting, friendly and cheerful.
Stay in Port Dickson . From Kluang , Johore .
Studied course in Diploma in Education
Was born on 6th of August 1993 .
I'll be 19 after 6th/ 8 whose mood is forever fluctuating between hyper-ism, stone-ment & sudden PMS. Means, I'm not in consistent mood.
So, I'm sorry if seems like I'm fucking happy then crying all of sudden.
Insane, perhaps?
I'm pretty awkward, blur and clumsy.
Patience is all you need when you're talking to me.
Be clear w all of your words.
However, I'm easy to weeping.
Yahh, kinda emotional.
I dislike being alone at home.
Danggg, its suck bebeh.
Love to be loved ♥♥♥
Thanks a lot for visited my blog :’) iloveyouuu
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